Blog 8 - Employee Training and Development


Employee Training and Development

Employee Training and Development in HRM is defined as a system used by an organization to improve the skills and performance of the employees. It is an educational tool which consists of information and instructions to make existing skills sharp, introduce new concepts and knowledge to improve the employee performance. An effective training & development initiative based on training needs analysis helps the company to enhance the skills of working manpower and improve productivity.


Difference between training and development

Employee training and development is an indispensable part of human resource function and management. Both the activities aim at improving the performance and productivity of the employees. Training is a program organized by the organization to develop knowledge and skills in the employees as per the requirement of the job. Conversely, Development is an organized activity in which the manpower of the organization learns and grow; it is a self-assessment act.

(Surbhi, 2018)

Importance of Training and Development of Employees in


1. Optimum Utilization of Human Resources:

Human resources need to be polished and trained to enhance their potential. Training and development of employees helps to make the best use of the employee’s overall worth to the organization.

2. Creating a Highly Skilled, Motivated and Enthusiastic Workforce:

The existing workforce is trained to increase their productivity, and motivated to contribute their best towards the organization. The employees will be more confident about themselves and enthusiastic about their job. They will adapt to technological changes and innovations more readily.

3. Increase Productivity:

 Knowledge about usage of sophisticated machinery and new technology is imparted to employees which will enable them to use the equipment more efficiently and thereby increase productivity.

4. Build Team Spirit:

Training often takes place in groups where the trainees are encouraged to interact with each other and discuss organizational issues. This helps to create team spirit among the employees.

5. Healthy Work Environment: 

Training and development programs help to modify the thought and behavior process of the employees in such a way that is conducive to building a healthy work environment.

6. Personal Growth of Employees:

Development programs provide opportunities to the employees to enhance their skills and knowledge and help them to achieve better career growth.

 7. Promote Learning Culture:

 The employees are encouraged to continuously learn new concepts and update their talents. This helps to promote a learning culture within the organization which would greatly help in its future sustenance and growth.

8. Improve Employee Morale:

When employees are trained to become better performers, they feel a sense of accomplishment. They realize that they are effectively contributing towards organizational goals and thus get a morale boost.

 9. Better Managerial Skills:

 Training and development programmes inspire the employees to think, plan, solve problems and take important decisions. This hones up their managerial skills.

 10. Reduce Employee Turnover:

 A well trained employee will take more interest in his job and will be a more efficient worker. He will get more job satisfaction. People who love their jobs are more loyal towards the organization.

(Bishnoi, 2020)

Strategies for Training and developing 

1. Target soft skills

training for soft skills and enhancing interpersonal (or more human) skills is a key trend for talent development in 2021 and the foreseeable future. Driving this is a surge of industry change, automation, and technological advancements. The modern workplace requires adaptable, critical thinkers who can communicate effectively and are aware of their value as well as their areas of development.

2. Personalize employee development

A few years ago, delivering tailored and sophisticated learning experiences at scale seemed out of reach, but modern talent development technology has made learning personalization a reality.9 Approaching workplace development with a one-size-fits-all mentality is counteractive to a growing, diversified workplace – employees need to be assessed on and acknowledged for their specific skills, technological fluency, and learning approach.

3. Emphasize digital learning

Employers need to reduce resistance to learning by engaging talent through the existing platforms they already choose to spend their time on. Agile learning methodologies that focus on speed, flexibility and collaboration are the future of learning and development. This is the approach that will enable leaders to better manage skills gaps by ensuring people are rapidly upskilled or reskilled for the benefit of work and business performance.

4. Create a strategic development plan 

According to the World Economic Forum, 50 percent of employees will need to be reskilled by 2025. As the skills gap continues to widen, employers need to take the initiative in training employees to reskill and upskill them. The steps involved in creating a development plan begin with establishing business goals. Upskilling and reskilling efforts can sustain and fuel company growth. In planning for future growth, and creating training solutions that target those goals, L&D needs to collaborate with all stakeholders to identify current and future skills gaps.


Because of the tremendous changes that occur within technology and how training and development is seen from organization to organization, the future of employee training and development is not totally known and difficult to forecast. The future of training and development can be summarized as follows: it is evolving and will continue to evolve. Because of the changes in technology and the ways that training and development will be able to be delivered through technology, it can be proven to be the best adaptation towards training and development, as it is both cost effective and effective in terms of achieving organizational goals and missions.


Getsmarter (2021) Employee Training and Development: The Benefits of Upskilling or Reskilling Your Team (Online) Available from

Surbhi S (2018) Difference Between Training and Development

Bishnoi. P, (2020) Importance of Training and Development


  1. The training & development is like two flowers of one tree. Both are combined together and it's really helpful to organizational growth. non development peoples are really a headache to the production floor of the organization & you have nicely described. good luck.

  2. As discussed, Training and development helps organisations attract and retain a skilled workforce. It will increase job satisfaction and morale, improve productivity and help to achieve organisational targets. HR managers should ensure that effective T&D programs are in place. Good article. All the Best Venushka!

  3. As previously said, training and development assist organizations in attracting and retaining a qualified workforce. It will boost job satisfaction and morale, boost productivity, and aid in the achievement of organizational goals. Human resource managers must guarantee that effective T&D initiatives are in place. Excellent article. Best Wishers!!

  4. In the competitive environment in the business sector, where competent labor is a critical aspect for achieving a competitive advantage, training and development serve as a tool for organizational success.
    Because rapid technology advancements are rapidly deskilling people, numerous businesses have set aside a certain amount of training hours each year for their employees.
    The Human Resources Development department is devoted to improving the organization's human resources. Employees are typically motivated, and training and development programs strengthen their organizational commitment.

    Good article Venushka. All the best!

  5. There are many theories regarding training and development. One such is Human Capital Theory. According to that employees are often considered the main resource or capital of an organization. Training & development is the most important constituent of the human resource that help in increasing the organizational performance. We are living in a competitive world, and to sustain in the market any organization must train its employees in order to make them more resourceful, innovative and enhancing their performance. So your article points out all many aspect of training and development.

  6. I completely agree with this point because, in order to gain a competitive advantage and achieve the best results, organizations must provide the means for their employees to upgrade their skills, which they can best do by organizing training and development programs that improve employee performance, motivation, and job satisfaction. It will help not only them, but also the retention of employees in a business. Good Luck!

  7. I agreed to the pointed addressed in this blog as employee training and development is often used interchangeably between industries and is a term that includes various employee practice practices. Specifically, employee training includes programs that help employees acquire specific skills and knowledge to improve their ability to perform their jobs.

  8. Learning and development has a direct impact on an employee's ability to grow and develop knowledge and capabilities. Attracting and retaining talent is difficult, but if a company invests in employee learning and development, employees are less likely to leave and are more likely to be motivated and engaged. good one

  9. Training and development, as previously said, assists organizations in attracting and retaining a qualified workforce. It will boost employee satisfaction and morale, boost productivity, and assist the company meet its goals. Effective T&D plans should be in place, according to HR managers. This is an excellent essay. Best wishes 

  10. Employee training and development is a program that helps to learn skills as well as knowledge to improve employee productivity & performance in their current organization or job role. It developed future performance & helps focused on more employee growth. Good blog

  11. Organizations benefit from training and development to attract and retain talented employees. Therefore employee training and development is a system utilized by an organization to increase employee skills and performance.Well written blog.

  12. As you mentioned in the article, training and development have two different meanings although it is used as the same. Training refers to the learning processes related to improving knowledge and skills of employees required to perform a particular job. Development is the education and learning process related to the overall improvement of the employee. Main focus of the training is a specific job and progression of the individual is mainly focused in development. Venushka, you are precisely discussing the differences, importance and strategies of training and development. Good article. All the best

  13. Employees' ability to grow and acquire knowledge and capacities is directly influenced by learning and development. It's challenging to attract and retain talent, but if a company invests in employee learning and development, people are less likely to leave and are more motivated and engaged. excellent

  14. Training and Development is a structured program with different methods designed by professionals in particular job. It has become most common and continuous task in any organization for updating skills and knowledge of employees in accordance with changing environment.
    Nicely done this venusdhka!

  15. Employee training and development is a program that assists employees in learning new skills and expanding their knowledge in order to increase their productivity and effectiveness in their present organization or work role. It helped focus on greater employee growth and developed future performance.

  16. Training and development helps organizations to improve its performance and take the best from their employees. Training and development also serve as a motivation factor too. Good article.

  17. Employee training and development serve to maintain employees' skills and knowledge up to date for job execution, enhancing their work efficiency and the production of a company. This is an important subject that has to be addressed further, and this article illustrated the principles of training and growth. Excellent article.

  18. Investing on the continual development of employees in an organization is an important role played by HRM in in increasing organizational productivity and achieving its goals and objectives. In addition, it shows that the management and employers value the employees of the organization which can lead to a highly loyal workforce within the organization.
    employees will feel valued in an organization. This is a great article where the value of training and development employees and strategies that HRM implement to develop employees are shown. Well done.


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