Blog 5 - Role of HR in Career Pathing


Role of HR in Career Pathing..

HR professionals serve a similar role in the career pathing process as a compass on a voyage. HR essentially serves as a guide for the employee, assisting in the development of the strategy that will get them to their eventual objective.

What is Career Pathing?

An approach to establish a route of advancement for an employee within a company is to use career pathing. A manager and a new hire, or junior employees, usually do this. Employees can take on new positions and develop new skills by following a career path that highlights different options inside the firm. (Revees, 2021)

 Types of Career Growths

Growing a career within a company usually occurs one of two ways: ladder career growth or by lattice career growth.(Hasting , 2021)

1.   Ladder

A career ladder path is the traditional method of promotion, with an emphasis on earning titles. This approach is good for highly specialised careers where you’re expected to become an expert in your particular role, and the path you take to get there is straightforward and direct. That makes it easier for others to understand your progression from an entry-level employee to a senior, giving a clear picture of the journey you took to get there. It’s more explicit for potential employers too, so it’s a good option if you know you want to change companies.

2. Lattice

If climbing the ladder is vertical growth, then a lattice career path is horizontal. Rather than working your way up through the ranks in one department, you change roles within a company to pick up new skills and earn a more rounded experience.

This way, you learn multiple new approaches and put them into practice by working with different departments and teams. Then, you can use your inter-departmental knowledge to come up with new approaches to problem solving and bridge gaps between disciplines.

This approach has benefits for the employer because it stops you from staying in one role for too long. This means you’re less likely to become bored and export your talent and expertise to another company. By investing in your development, the company ultimately benefits from your growth, so it’s mutually beneficial.

(ICS learn, 2019)

Benefits of Career Pathing

For Employers

  • Increased employee engagement
  • Greater workplace productivity
  • Increased employee retention

For Employees

  • Career advancement
  • Hard and soft skills development
  • Opportunities for coaching


Career pathing is very important for an employee to develop himself as well as supporting the organization to grow A human resource professional is responsible for motivating employees to participate in employee development programs. Make them believe that the organization's future is solely on their shoulders. Make them feel valuable. Encourage them to update their existing expertise on a regular basis so that they can become vital resources for the company.



(Miller, 2021) Creating Career Growth Opportunities for Employees Within Your Organization. [online] available at  [accessed April  2022]

Reeves, (2021)  3 Reasons Career Pathing is Critical to Employee Development. [online] available at [accessed April  2022]

Hasting , ( 2021) What Is Career Pathing? Why Is It Important for You and Your Company?. [online] available at [accessed April  2022]

ICS learn, (2019) Types of Career Growths. [online] available at[accessed April  2022]





  1. You have very clearly discussed a main function of HR. A career path of an employee will allow the employee to grow and move up the hierarchy where he/she will receive encouragement and support from HR and the management. Career pathing is very important in employee engagement and employee retention. It will also motivate employees and increase productivity. Good article. All the Best Venushka!

  2. Well explained HR career article .HR career pathing have two way benificts for employer and employee .in your article you have clearly described about HR career .good luck

  3. Employees can use career maps to think strategically about their career trajectories and how to achieve their goals within the organization rather than leaving it to move forward. You have very clearly discussed a main function of HR. Good Article. Wish you all the best!

  4. A career ladder path is the traditional method of promotion, with an emphasis on earning titles. This approach is good for highly specialised careers where you’re expected to become an expert in your particular role, and the path you take to get there is straightforward and direct.👍all the best

  5. Each and every employee should have a clear career path. This blog clearly explained what is career growth, benefits to the employee as well as employer. Well addressed the topic.

  6. A company's career pathing is quite essential. Employee competencies will be developed as a result of this. This will also increase active employee engagement and help to retain staff for a longer period of time. all the best.

  7. Career pathing is very important for an employee to develop himself as well as supporting the organization durations. the productivity & efficiency mainly effect carrier path. the explanation is bit low & hope you will discuss in future blog lengthily. good luck Venushka.

  8. Everyone talks about HRM but you pay attention to a different dimension. You have introduced how important carrier pathing to an employee and employer. A very important topic is very clearly written to attract attention. Good luck Venushka.

  9. The career development is the process of conversion of personal career plan into action in order to achieve career goals. Good article

  10. You clearly explained in this blog that The function of HR professionals in the career pathing process is not unlike that of a compass on a journey. Essentially, HR simply points the employee in the right direction and assists in developing the plan used to get to the final destination. Good luck

  11. Career pathing improves the knowledge, skills and resources which are necessary to face future challenges. Career pathing is not something merely about promotions, but it covers the areas of job rotation, training programmes and soft skills development, etc. Although it requires an investment of time and energy by the employer, it contributes a lot for the employee engagement. Career pathing reduces the rate of employee turnover and increase productivity. As explained by you, the traditional career ladder method contributes to become experts in the selected field. And also career lattice model helps employees to have different, extensive opportunities for facing new challenges in future. This blog clearly covers the area of career pathing. Good luck

  12. Instead of leaving the business to go forward, employees can utilize career maps to think strategically about their career trajectories and how to achieve their goals within it. You have clearly stated one of HR's primary functions. Excellent article. I wish you the best of luck!

  13. Employees are generally more engaged when they believe that their employer is concerned about their growth and provides avenues to reach individual career goals while fulfilling the company's mission.
    Well done Venushka!

  14. The career pathing of a corporation is quite important. As a result, employee competencies will be created. This will also help to enhance active employee engagement and keep employees on the job for longer.

  15. Career pathing is critical for an employee's personal development as well as the organization's growth. A human resource professional is in charge of encouraging employees to enroll in training programs. Make them think that the future of the company is totally in their hands. Make them feel important. Encourage them to keep their existing knowledge up to date on a regular basis so that they may become valuable corporate assets.


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