
Showing posts from April, 2022


  PROVIDING JOB SECURITY TO EMPLOYEES What Is Employee Job Security? Job security is something that most people seek in their careers. When we know we'll be able to keep our jobs with relative ease and won't have to worry about numerous hazards that could lead to us losing our jobs, we can concentrate on doing a better job and furthering our careers.   Job security is the assurance that you will have a job in the near future, regardless of external variables. It also suggests that your boss is content with your work and is not in a rush to fire you.  (Bhasin, 2020) Why Is Job Security Important for Employers? Providing consistent, stable jobs to employees can help businesses enhance employee retention, attract top talent (because workers know their jobs are secure), and foster a healthy work environment that encourages people to perform at their best. After all, confident employees may spend less time thinking about their job security or stressing about how they'll pa

Blog 8 - Employee Training and Development

  Employee Training and Development Employee Training and Development in HRM is defined as a system used by an organization to improve the skills and performance of the employees. It is an educational tool which consists of information and instructions to make existing skills sharp, introduce new concepts and knowledge to improve the employee performance. An effective training & development initiative based on  training needs analysis   helps the company to enhance the skills of working manpower and improve productivity.   Difference between training and development Employee training and development is an indispensable part of human resource function and management. Both the activities aim at improving the performance and productivity of the employees.  Training  is a program organized by the organization to develop knowledge and skills in the employees as per the requirement of the job. Conversely,  Development  is an organized activity in which the manpower of the organization

Blog 7 - Compensation and Benefits

  Compensation and B enefits   Compensation and benefits refers to a company's compensation/salary as well as other monetary and non-monetary advantages provided to its employees. Compensation and perks are an important part of HRM since they keep employees motivated. It assists in providing advantages to employees depending on their performance and activities, as well as bringing out the best in individuals at work. Difference between compensation and benefits Compensation Benefits Monetary value Non-monetary value Compensation is performance based Benefits are not performance based but membership based Employees cannot determine their compensation Employees can determine their benefit packages and are entitled to them In piece-rate compensation plan, pay determined by contribution made No benefits at all